Go through your wall posts and list the last 21 people to post on your wall. DON'T YOU EVER CHEAT. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then answer the 42 questions pertaining to the 21 names. When you're finished, tag all 21 people on the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note and follow the directions above.
01. Arif Pranoto
02. Esti Nugraheni
03. Andreas Joseph
04. Kanya Dewi Prameswari
05. Helga Pratiwi Anggraesti
06. Djodi Tri Nugroho
07. Dhearty Diakta Dare
08. Bagas Jahe Baskara
09. Maria Christiane
10. Editha Renesteen
11. Stella Maris Johana
12. Yang Disa Karina
13. Fakhri Achmad
14. Cindy Efrilia
15. Hendra Aditiyawijaya
16. Adiati Paramita Yaumul Iswandi
17. Yessyca Harliansah
18. FebniTa Eka WijayanTi
19. Anisa Suci Aprila
20. Nida Ul Haqie
21. Wisnu Rahadi
1. How did you meet 1?
di SMA... hihihii.. di bus dari halimun.... *kalo diinget inget lucu....
2. What would you do if you never met 14?
kan ada teknologi yang lagi happening = FB... yoyeahhh...
3. Would you date 20?
OMG dia cewe....
4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?
mmmm... pernah ga ya gas??
5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
OMG lagi... ini cowo ketemu cowo... ga mungkinlaaa..
6. Describe 9:
lebay, gokil, baik, ramah, tamah, gemar membaca dan rajin menabung...serta tidak sombong....
trendseter.. memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap kebiasaan kitaaa *mule dari pangceng dan lain sebagainya...
7. Do you like 16?
ya iyalah mba ku.....
8. Do you think 6 is attractive?
iyaaaa bangeeet...
9. When was the last time you talked to 19?
hari apa ya itu? waktu ada acara donat dikampus, trus nisa lari lari ngejar orang yang blm dapet mie dan susu.
10. Would you ever date 7?
date sama dea??? jalan aja blm pernah ya de.... *haha...
11. Where does 15 live?
di cibubur.. eh iya bukan ndra??
13. What would you like to tell 18 right now?
kaaaa.. fotonya belom niyh.... aku masih ngutaaaangg..... akan kutepati kaa.. amiiinn...
14. What is the best thing about 10?
cucuku yang manisss...
15. Have you ever kissed 11?
engga.....ya kan stell??
16. What's the best memory you have of 3?
AJ baik... kalo kerja kelompok semangatnya selalu berkobarkobar..
17. When is the next time you are going to see 12?
senen besok paling-paling ketemu di halte kutek ato ga di lab. dan seputaran farmasi
18. Is 15 pretty?
iyahh.. pretty boy.... hihihihhii...
19. What was your first impression of 4?
hmmm..... ... ga bisa diem...
20. Is 02 your best friend?
mbaku gituu....
21. Have you seen 16 in the last month?
kayaknya engga deh..... heheh... lupa mbaaa...
22. When was the last time you saw 14?
udah lama beuth daaaahhh.... sampe lupa...
23. Have you been to 21's house?
24. When is the next time you'll see 10?
minggu depan.. *cucu kapan reunian niyh??
25. Are you really close to 1?
yap yep yup...
26. Would you give 6 a hug?
ya ya ya.... belom pernah kan yah??
27. Have you ever been to 17's house?
blm pernaaahh....
28. Do you know a secret about 5?
kalo rahasia umum tau... l e m o *.... pissss....
29. Describe the relationship between 14 and 19.
sama sama temen gw....
30. What's your friendship like with 8?
kayak apa ya?? kayaknya kerjaannya saling iseng.ngatain. apa lagi yah lek??
31. Have you ever danced with 18?
32. How do you know 21?
masku gitu.......yang suka vw....
34. Have you ever wanted to punch 4 in the face?
ya enggalaaahhh......
35. Has 11 ever met your mother?
blm.. blm pernah....
36. Have you traveled anywhere with 12?
yah... pernah naek bus bareng *bikun... heheheheh....
37. If you gave 7 $100 what would he / she spend it on?
apaan ya??? ga kepikirann...
38. What's your best memory of 2?
39. What is the one thing you want 8 to know?
jeleeekk... udah lama ga ngobrooollll....jangan sombong sombong ma gw laaa....
40. What is the last thing you did with 15?
mencegat hendra lewat.. *udah kayak preman aja yah bahasa gw....
41. Where did you meet 20?
di farmasiii....
42. What do you wish for 9?
kudoakan yang terbaik bagimu.... ditunggu 10 10 10nya yaaa..... amiiiiinnnn....
lucu beuth niyh notes..
*ngisinya malem2 sebelum tidur.. jadi kalo aga aga aga.. ya maaph lahir batin yaaa...
Just try to "mencurahkan perasaan"
12 years ago
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